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Automotive Belts

Automotive BeltsThere are many types and brands of automotive belts. Belt choice should ultimately reflect safety and quality. Timing belts and accessory belts are critical in nature and you should always procure the very best you can afford. Typical automotive belt types include:

  • PLAIN WRAPPED FAN BELTS (9.5, 12.5, 17, 22)
  • COGGED FAN BELTS (Raw Edged) (10x,13x,17x,22x)

Automotive belt kits

SKF Automotive Belt KitsWhen replacing a belt it makes sound economic sense to replace the belt tensioners. By the time a belt has completed its life duty (anywhere between 40,000 to 100,000 miles depending on your vehicle manufacturer’s demands) the belt tensioners will be near the end of their life too. To have a fresh belt fitted only to find that after a few thousand miles the tensioner bearings have finally decided to collapse just means wasted labour costs.

When you consider the total cost of fitting a belt and tensioners to that of just fitting a belt, it is very little extra to pay out and gives you piece of mind when it comes to your cars performance. Most of the major belt manufacturers (Dayco, Megadyne, Goodyear etc) all manufacture quality belt kits.

BELTS >> Automotive Belts

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