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AS9120 & ISO9001:2000 Approved

DESOUTTER bearing references

Please find below the current bearing references we have for DESOUTTER. If you don't see the bearing reference you are seeking for this OEM then please do not hesitate to contact us for prompt support.

101913 110373 145.3
146.3 148.3 1483
1497.3 1504.3 151093
1513.3 15190.3 15199.3
15722.3 160203 16032.3
166.3 1663 167.3
1673 168913 168913
168923 168923 169.3
178543 178543 1800.8
1823.3 1824.3 1868.3
19145.3 198.6 201.6
2055.3 2082.3 2163.8
217993 217993 222843
222843 224683 224683
239.3 240.3 241.3
2413 2413* 242.3
2423 251983 254733
2586.3 25863 2596.3
273243 2737.8 27552.3
277413 280313 28066.3
280953 280953 290633
290633 294543 295413
295413 295413* 296533
296533 3046.3 3339.3
33393 3343.3 33433
341423 351423 351423
353.3 354.4 3543
3611.3 36113 3732.3
3772.3 388.3 389.3
3934.3 402.3 4414.3
4519.3 4520.3 4669.3
4839.3 5085.3 516.8
517.8 5178 518.8
54358 5761.3 6184.3
6185.3 619.3 6249.8
6435.8 6436.8 6437.8
6438.8 6439.8 6452.8
6468.8 6471.8 6485.8
6486.8 6547.8 6548.8
6579.8 6580.8 6619.8
6675.8 66828 6686.3
66868 679.3 68113
6812.3 6876.8 6877.8
6878.8 6879.8 6880.8
6881.8 68818 68818
6882.8 68828 6914.3
696.3 6992.8 7073.8
7210.3 7222.8 7240.8
7267.3 72673 72673
72673* 747.3 7709.8
7742.3 7833.3 78333
7901.3 79013 7940.3
79403 7972.3 7988.3
8025.3 80253 8028.3
8048.3 8049.3 8068.8
8114.3 8123.3 8124.3
81243 8146.8 8163.8
884.3 8843 8983.3
9075.3 9076.3 9389.3
9504.3 9538.3 9591.3
960.8 9608 987.3
B984 B985 B986
EP1171 EP1800 EP2163
EP2737 EP516 EP517
EP518 EP5781 EP6249
EP6250 EP6251 EP6435
EP6436 EP6437 EP6438
EP6439 EP6452 EP6468
EP6471 EP6471A EP6485
EP6486 EP6547 EP6548
EP6579 EP6580 EP6619
EP6675 EP6686 EP6877
EP6878 EP6879 EP6880
EP6881 EP6882 EP6992
EP7073 EP7222 EP7240
EP752 EP7709 EP8068
EP8146 EP8163 EP841
EP849 EP850 EP960


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