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AS9120 & ISO9001:2000 Approved

GIDDINGS LEWIS & FRASER bearing references

Please find below the current bearing references we have for GIDDINGS LEWIS & FRASER. If you don't see the bearing reference you are seeking for this OEM then please do not hesitate to contact us for prompt support.

019-02079-00 60002153.00 60002154.00
60200017.00 60200020.00 60200020.50
60200030.00 60200030.30 60200030.50
60200035.00 60200035.50 60200040.40
60200040.70 60200040.90 60200045.50
60200050.30 60200050.60 60200060.50
60200060.90 60200085.00 60201015.00
60202017.00 60202020.00 60202030.00
60202035.00 60202040.00 60202040.50
60202045.00 60202050.00 60202055.00
60202065.00 60202070.00 60203030.00
60203035.00 60203040.00 60214035.00
60222030.00 60222040.00 60240030.00
60240035.00 60242020.20 60242035.00
60242050.10 60242065.00 60290025.00
60290026.00 60290160.00 60290175.00
60290176.00 60290177.00 60290178.00
60290201.00 60290250.00 60290251.00
60290252.00 60290253.00 60290257.00
60290375.00 60290456.00 60290575.00
60290615.00 60291125.00 60291305.00
60291609.00 60292525.00 60300030.00
60302008.00 60302010.00 60302016.00
60303012.00 60323014.00 60332006.00
60332009.00 60332022.00 60336006.00
60342008.00 60342012.00 60342020.00
60390050.00 60390129.00 60390225.00
60390253.00 60390475.00 60390801.00
61948026.00 61948095.00 61948097.00
61948165.00 8604-0100 8604-0191
91018921.00 94042301.00 G1451
G1455 G1475 G1476
G1479 G1490 G1681
G173Z G174B G182B
T17877 TG4434 TG4465
TG4470 TG4470


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