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AS9120 & ISO9001:2000 Approved

LISTER-PETTER bearing references

Please find below the current bearing references we have for LISTER-PETTER. If you don't see the bearing reference you are seeking for this OEM then please do not hesitate to contact us for prompt support.

003-00327 007-00425 010-06051
011-13321 021-00150 027-00787
027-01640 027-01641 027-01643
027-01654 027-01660 027-01753
027-01896 027-01913 027-04523
029-00138 031-00029 031-00060
031-00110 031-00185 031-00932
031-00933 031-00934 031-00935
031-00936 031-00984 031-01163
031-02481 031-03548 031-06672
031-06673 031-06937 031-07570
031-07937 031-08217 031-09583
031-12302 031-12302 031-15815
031-57673 042-08082 042-08088
042-08120 042-08121 046-08516
048-09015 066-15672 078-80070
078-80080 101-00206 175-00828
2/255312 2/255312 201-13930
201-14100 201-14100 201-14370
201-14790 201-15830 201-17630
201-17630 201-22400 201-22400
201-22410 201-22450 201-22500
201-22950 201-22950 201-25970
201-30670 201-30670 201-32730
201-32730 201-32731 201-45180
202-32120 202-32120 203-25970
204-23150 204-23150 204-24980
204-52150 210-00326 210-00393
253-00022 253-00023 254344
255312 265878 266025
267979 267979 27-4657
278-11370 289-00020 291-2255
291-2256 291-27290 291-37390
294-32880 294-37580 294-37580
294-37630 294-37630 301-00184
301-00184-LIST 31-57673 351-10810
351-11480 351-11480 351-43940
351-43950 351-43950-LIST 352-60370
353-81420 353-81430 354-18720
354-18720 354-25870 354-28510
354-81430 354-82810 360-02340
360-02341 360-02343 366-06425
366-06425-LIST 366-06997 366-06997
366-06997-LIST 366-07669 368060
382-01091-LIST 382-01091-LIST 394-10451
394-10460 394-12350 394-12351
394-13860 396-19240LIST49688 396-19270
463-00067 463-00068 496-126969
503-02761 503-04027 503-04113
503-06514 514-13150 514-13440
520-01790 522-03890 601-20510
601-21390 601-21400 601-21410
601-32270 601-33570 601-36790
601-36790-LIST 639-11140-LIST 722-13430
722Y-11980 741F-10130 766-36260
766-36262 777-51300 777-51810
777-51820 BD01 O31-57673


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