Letter of Credit Guidance Notes
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The following information is intended as guidance in laying out
an LC for opening with ARN Trading Ltd t/a AHR International. We appreciate that
you may have your own internal policies and documentary
requirements but we must stress that Keeping an L/C simple and
flexible is for the benefit of both parties. We have made
suggestions in grey and a associated reason for this in green.
- All Letters of Credits (here by refered to as L/C's) must be
irrevocable documentary letters of credit subject to UCP500 (1993).
This is the international
reference for L/C's.
- All L/C values must be in GB sterling unless otherwise agreed in writting.
This removes the cost of
currency conversion.
- All L/C's are at sight unless otherwise agreed.
We do not give credit terms on
this type of transaction.
- All L/C's must be capable of being drawn on any bank
by negotiation.
This gives the flexability to
use any bank to draw the L/C.
- The L/C date of expiry must be at least 3 months after
expected delivery/shipment of goods.
Should there be a manufacturer
shortage, lost goods or act of god beyond our control 3 months
will allow for most unexpected problems to be
- Partial shipments must be permited.
Although AHR will not partial
ship without a customers agreement. If you prohibit partial
shipments then your bank will charge you to amend the L/C for
reasons stated in the point above.
- Trans-shipments must be permited.
Although AHR will not trans-ship
goods without a customers agreement, it may be necessary to
facilitate delivery of goods. If you prohibit transshipments
then your bank will charge you to amend the L/C for reasons
stated in the point above.
- Shipment from - If used please state "ANY UK PORT".
We will always choose the most
appropriate port but this gives us the flexability to change
port locations should there be a change in circumstance beyond
our control such as labour strikes etc.
- Goods Description should be as brief as possible.
Many clients use HR's pro-forma
invoice as a means of reference for the description of the
goods we will supply.
- Delivery Terms - Please USE INCO terms only.
INCO terms are by their nature
internaitonally recognised and remove ambiguity when
describing the various terms of delivery
- Documents required. We normally recommend the following.
- 1 signed commercial invoice and 2 signed copies
- 1 signed packing list and 2 signed copies
- 1 set of full clean on board bills of lading or AWB's
(Air Way Bills)
Any extra documentation such as
certificates of conformance or certificates of origin will be
chargeable at AHR's discretion.
- Date of last presentation of documents should be 21 days
after shipment.
This gives time for delays in
receiving AWB's or Bills of Lading. It also allows for the
possability of lost post.
- All charges are for the applicant.
AHR has absolutely no control
over the charges that can be levied or who levies
them. As the supplier, AHR cannot be financially responsible for these charges
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us now and let us show you exactly what we can do for you.
© ARN Trading Ltd t/a AHR International 2010 All rights reserved